at Fischer Sports

at Fischer Sports
Fischer Sports is committed to improving the impact on the environment and society.
As one of the global players in winter sports industry, we recognize our responsibility to reduce our ecological footprint and create products that are sustainable and long-lasting. By creating durable, high end products and investing in more sustainable production methods and materials, we are able to reduce our impact on the planet.
For years now, we have been taking many actions in this direction, including using renewable energy sources, reducing waste and water consumption, and implementing sustainable sourcing practices. Already in 2001 we received the Energy Globe Award for a biomass combined heat and power plant.
In the following you‘ll get a short overview, where Fischer currently stands. Both in terms of the company in general and what highlights there already are at product level.
Current measures

We are making these efforts both at the corporate level and on a product-by-product basis. In the 24l25 season we introduced a new ski model, the "THE CURV GT 85 REDEFINE", to the market with a significantly reduced Carbon Footprint.
In general, the longer the life cycle of a product before it is replaced, the more sustainable it is. In the production of all its products, Fischer focuses on high quality, which is characterized above all by durability. At Fischer, we understand that sustainability is a journey, and we are committed to continually improving our practices and products.
The Highlights

Fischer taking part In project “WINTRUST”
Together with our industry partners, we are working on the recyclability of our products to get on track towards a circular supply chain. Fischer is working together with the University of Leoben, suppliers, recycling companies, Kunstoff Cluster, and other winter sports competitors on the international "WINTRUST" project.

With these and other measures, Fischer assumes responsibility for the environment and does not buy its way out of this responsibility. Fischer attaches great importance to implementing sustainable projects - rooted in the outdoors, we must act as ambassadors and contribute to making it possible to enjoy the unlimited freedom of our sports also in the future.