Maksymalne właściwości poślizgowe dzięki ściankom bocznym Gliding Sidewall
Silnie poprawiona absorpcja wosku i szlifowalność bazy
Obszar zastosowania: chłodniejsze warunki, suchy wosk
To ensure that the skis are ideally saturated with wax immediately after the first grinding treatment and before delivery to the sports retailer, the top models at Fischer are coated with a thin layer of wax in cooperation with VAUHTI. This infrared preparation with hot wax protects the base against dirt and oxidation and ensures the best gliding properties. Before using the skis for the first time, this protective layer of wax must be removed with a sharp plexiglass blade in the direction of travel under even, light pressure and then brushed off with a nylon or combi brush. The base structure must be completely clean for optimal gliding quality.